分化・形態形成学研究室 M2COE事務の皆様、サマーキャンプの運営に携わった先生方、お疲れさまです。そして、他の研究室の先輩方や、同期生など、普段なかなか研究の話をすることの無い人たちとの交流の場を与えて頂き、ありがとうございます。私にとって、今回のサマーキャンプは初めてづくしのものでした。英語の要旨やポスターの作成、他の研究室の先生方の前でのアドバイザーヒアリングなど非常に実りある経験ができたと思っています。実際、ポスター発表の場では、自身の研究内容を第三者に伝えることの難しさを痛感すると同時に、多くの人々から様々な意見を聞くことができました。また、D2の先輩方の英語による口頭発表を聴講した際には、自身の感じた疑問点を思うように英語で表現することができず、大変もどかしい思いをしました。しかし、このような経験を通して、私は自分自身に対する課題と目標を見つけることができ、この上なく良い刺激を得られたと考えています。今後は、これからの人生において、これらの経験を生かして精進したいと思います。
植物成長制御研究室 D1This year is my first time to attend the summer camp. For me it is a very wonderful experience. I have gained much new knowledge, but I could also increase my English skills. Before summer camp, all D1 students prepared a poster and a 90 seconds speech in English to introduce their research project. As a non-native speaker, it’s a great challenge for me to conclude all my idea and my experiment results into a short story in English. Ninety seconds speech also gives me a good chance to train my English speaking.
During summer camp, there were many students and researchers from different research background, ranging from plants to animals and microbiology. This is benefit for me to understand other type of research carrying out by other students; thus showing me different idea on my research project. In poster session, I enjoyed discussing with others, and my advisor committee also came to my poster at that time. The discussion between us gave me a chance to think my research in different sights, and I was getting excited to know that many people were interested in my research project. In fact, these discussions were actually very fruitful and brainstorming. I hope the experience this year can help me to achieve oral presentation in summer camp next year. At last but not least, I would like to thank NAIST GCOE program for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I am very grateful to have participated in this summer camp which has really broadens my views.
原核生物分子遺伝学研究室 D2The GCOE Summer Camp 2011 will be a nice experience and memory in my life, and for all NAIST doctoral students. In science, work and experiments are not enough: we also have to learn how to share our data, results and ideas with people in an understandable way. But this skill is difficult, due to differences in our ability and experience. We need an environment such as the GCOE Summer Camp where we feel comfortable to share our research. During the three days of the GCOE Summer Camp 2011, we really lived in a scientific environment where we could speak, listen and discuss all aspects of biological science with an attentive audience. This environment also helps us to show our passion for science. I think everyone was strongly impressed with the smile and the enthusiasm of Ohta san, a D2 student who injured his knee one month before the meeting. He was the best speaker at this Summer Camp, in my mind, and his attitude challenges anyone who still thinks the GCOE Summer Camp is a strict test with a strict audience. Professor Ko Shimamoto said, “We need to generate a strong atmosphere to promote interesting science,” and Ohta san did this in a fantastic way.
The limited amount of free time during the meeting was the only disadvantage, but it was definitely solved in the poster session and mixer. In these periods, we could deeply and warmly discuss our research without worrying about the limited time. These were good opportunities to understand the interesting projects and establish English communication among students, guests and faculty members. Specially and interestingly, 67 comments by faculty members, guests and postdocs were sent to each D2 student after the Summer Camp. This is a great and very useful idea because it helps us to improve not only our research but also our presentation skills in future.
Finally, I know that this was the fifth and the last Summer Camp of the GCOE program. During this time, it has gradually and completely changed the students' thinking and their attitudes to science. Now, at NAIST, we really enjoy discussing our research in English. I deeply want to thank the GCOE program and organizers, and I strongly hope and believe that this last Summer Camp of the GCOE program will be continued in another way; the NAIST students will have this chance next year and in the future.