Research outcomes
Ms. Suga Saori (D1) from the Laboratory for Plant Symbiosis Received the Company Award "HORIBA Award" at the 2024 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO
Ms. Suga Saori (D1) from the Laboratory for Plant Symbiosis Received the Company Award "HORIBA Award" at the 2024 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO (November 1, 2024)

"Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO" is an annual event jointly planned and operated by seven universities in Kyoto and Nara, selected for the JST Program for Promoting the Advancement of Young Researchers (SPRING), under the Career Development Group of KYOTO QUALIA FORUM. The purpose of this event is to create a platform for open discussions with leading companies about expectations for doctoral students and their current situation, and to raise awareness of the value of PhD in Japan.
Participating Universities (in alphabetical order):
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Doshisha University, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University
Participating Companies (in alphabetical order):
KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd., SHIMADZU Corporation, SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd., NISSHA Co., Ltd., HORIBA, Ltd., Murata Machinery, Ltd., Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
On November 1, Each participating company selected one student to receive a company award through the doctoral student's presentation(elevator pitch) and poster session.
Event Report: Bridging Academia and Industry|2024 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO by KQF
Suga Saori
Presentation Title
Characterization of a novel haustorium inhibitor for the development of new control methods for parasitic weeds
Research introduction
Parasitic plants, which account for approximately 1% of all plants, are plants that depend on other plants for water and nutrients for their own growth.
Parasitic plants form their own invasive organs called “haustorium” and invade host plants through haustorium to obtain water and nutrients necessary for their own growth.
We conducted a compound screening of approximately 10,000 compounds to isolate compounds that inhibit haustorium formation in parasitic plants. As a result, we identified a novel haustorium inhibitor, Haustorium INhibiting Compound 55(HINC55).
HINC55 has a different structure from previously known haustorium inhibitors. It is possible that HINC55 inhibits the induction of haustorium formation by a completely different mechanism.
Currently, agricultural damage caused by Orobanchaceae parasitic plant is a serious problem, especially in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean coastal areas. The amount of damage is estimated at 100 billion yen per year, and urgent development of control methods is required.
Induction of haustorium formation is an essential process in parasitic plant parasitism of host plants. However, there is still no control method that inhibits the induction of haustorium formation in parasitic plants. Therefore, this study aims to characterize a novel haustorium inhibitor, HINC55, and to solve the problem of agricultural damage caused by parasitic plants.
Awardee's Comment
I am very grateful to HORIBA Ltd. for their evaluation of my research presentation. I am very happy to receive this award, as it is the first time for me to receive such an honor since I entered NAIST. Encouraged by this award, I will do my best in my future research activities.
Plant Symbiosis laboratory
( December 02, 2024 )