Lab tour
The opportunity is offered for those who are interested in taking the examination for the master’s program or doctoral program at NAIST’s Division of Biological Science to tour the division’s labs. If you are interested in the tour, please complete the application form below.
We now offer online and in-person tours. You can choose either form.
*Depending on the spread of infectious desease (COVID-19, influenza, etc.) at our university, in-person tours (physically visiting the laboratories) can be canceled or rescheduled as an online tour.
Please apply at least one week prior to the date you request to visit.
Please apply here for Online Lab Tour to get an idea of the research environment and know more about the research projects. If convenient, you can talk to multiple professors on the same day. If you like, we can also provide a briefing about the entrance examination.
Please visit the laboratory list page for details.
*Systems Neurobiology and Medicine Lab and Microbial Molecular Genetics Lab do not accept lab tour as new students will no longer be assigned.
*Please note that for touring the collaborative laboratories, you will need to visit the institute where each laboratory is located. (The collaborative laboratories are not located within NAIST campus.)
Lab tour will last approx. 30minutes to 1hour per laboratory. If you wish to stay longer for in-person tour, please contact us via application form.
*Please note that some laboratories may be unavailable for touring in certain circumstances.